16 Mayıs 2008 Cuma

Sample JSR-286 Netbeans Visual portlet for Liferay Portal

You can download this JSR-286 sample portlet below.

If you want to play and make some modifications, you need :

  • Netbeans 6.1 IDE (Generic Portlet, JSF Portlet Bridge Library and Visual Web JSF Portlet Support plugins)

Just deploying you need :

  • Liferay 5.0.1 or greater
  • GlassFish AS V2UR2

Before deploying this sample portlet you must copy some files to {Glassfish dir}/domains/domain1/lib directory and restart Glassfish server. These files are :

1. Open liferay-portal-dependencies-5.0.1.zip and extract portal-kernel.jar and portal-service.jar (don't use portlet.jar) to {Glassfish dir}/domains/domain1/lib.

2. Find "portlet-api-2.0.jar" and "portlettaglib.jar" under the directory {user dir}\.netbeans\6.1\modules\ext\portalpack and copy them to {Glassfish dir}/domains/domain1/lib.

Enjoy :)

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